
Our Social Times re-brands social media agency as OST

For the last 7 years we’ve been known as Our Social Times. Today, we’re re-branding and our Founder, Luke Brynley-Jones, is on hand to explain the change.

From the start of this month, Our Social Times, the social media agency, will be known as OST. Our main website will be this one, OSTagency.co.uk, and the new name, OST, will gradually replace Our Social Times across all our media and materials.

If you’re familiar wOST - Social Media Agencyith our old website you’ll immediately see that this shiny new one makes a much better job of showcasing our amazing client list, the full range of services we offer and our excellent case studies. In short – it’s a proper agency website.

But this doesn’t spell the end for Our Social Times.

We still love the name and we know lots of other people do too, so Our Social Times (oursocialtimes.com) isn’t going anywhere. Instead, it’s going to evolve. We’re not saying quite yet what it’s going to evolve into, but watch this space and you’ll find out. Needless to say, we feel we’re returning to our roots and turning one of our great assets into something even more useful.

If you’re interested, here’s the full back story…

In 2009, when Our Social Times started out, it was essentially a consultancy service run through my personal blog. Certainly, I was lucky enough to have some major clients – not least Orange Business Services and Mecca Bingo – but it was still a small operation.

It wasn’t really until 2013 that we made the decision (I was supported by Jeremy Taylor who now heads up our B2B team), to turn this cottage industry into something more ambitious.

The past three years have seen Our Social Times rapidly building a reputation as a specialist social media agency that delivers brilliant results, but without the ‘London price tag’.

We now boast a client base that includes brands such as Hartley’s Jelly, Sun-Pat Peanut Butter and Constant Contact, as well as large enterprises like Zoetis, the world’s largest animal health company, Domino Printing and SOLIDWORKS, which are all giants in their respective industries.

Our team has also grown. We are now 15 staff working from two offices, using some of the best digital technology available, with in-depth knowledge of a wide range of social media marketing and advertising techniques.

The time now seems right to split the agency (which most of our clients already refer to as ‘OST’) off  from Our Social Times, which has always been a media-oriented brand, to make both parts stronger at what they do best.

I’ll be writing again about exactly how this is going to work, but for the meantime, enjoy our new agency site, marvel at the things you didn’t know we do, and hold tight for news on the future of Our Social Times.

Luke Brynley-Jones
Date: 1st February 2016
Category: Social Media Marketing

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