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6 hours of brilliant marketing insights

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DigiConf is an online digital marketing conference designed for B2B digital marketing managers and strategists. The day was broken into 4 ‘themed’ sessions, each offering a series of short presentations, Q&A sessions and Panels with full audience participation. 

Session 1: New Destinations

Once upon a time, all marketing roads led to your website. Today, smart companies seek out their customers wherever they are. In our first session we’ll analyse the challenges this poses and explore two of the most popular digital destinations: Google and messaging apps. 

Session 2: Advanced B2B Strategies 

In this session, we’ll analyse how the best B2B companies are using tech to target and automate their digital marketing - from smart personalisation approaches to hyper-targeted ABM techniques and the newest opportunities on LinkedIn. 

Session 3: Influencer Marketing & Compliance

In our early afternoon session, we’ll explore how brands are evolving their influencer programmes, staying legally compliant (or not) and measuring the outcomes. 

Session 4: Innovative Content Marketing

For our final session, we’ll explore the latest content marketing techniques, such as podcasting, live video and virtual events. We’ll examine new opportunities for real-time content and shine a light on innovations you should plan for in 2021.